Our Dogs

Tan Point Great Dane Breeders Since 2023



Kimber is an AKC Chocolate Merle Tanpoint. Her birthday is March 22nd 2020 and she arrived at our home when she was 8 weeks old in May 2020. She is playful and energetic and has never met a stranger. She loves to cuddle and bury her nose in our laps any chance she gets. She is the most loyal dog we’ve ever known as she is constantly looking for her master, our daughter, Hayden. 

Kimber knew Hayden was out late one evening at a play and Kimber paced back and forth by the front door until Hayden arrived safely home. Another time, Hayden was sick with a fever and while laying on the couch, Kimber never left her side. Kimber exhibits perfectly how a dog can be “a man’s best friend.” Her coloration is just stunning. 



Benelli is a beautiful AKC Blue Tan point. Her birthday is February 2, 2020 and arrived at our home in April 2020 at 8 weeks old. She is such a sweet and gentle soul. She loves to snuggle up beside you and flash her big blue eyes at you. She has the most calm and pleasant demeanor as she faithfully guards and protects our children, always checking on them and making sure they are around. Our children often play in the woods on our property and Benelli is always beside them keeping careful watch. 

We were on a family walk one afternoon in the woods when an unknown dog started to approach us. Benelli ran after it, barked a few times until the dog ran away and came right back to us. She is extremely smart and even learned to “shut the lid” of the toilet at 6 months old. She is a true blessing to our family!



Remi is a handsome Chocolate Harlequin Tanpoint! He has developed into a very tall and lean sire! He loves to run… his favorite is sprinting back-and-forth along our 100ft long chicken run! He also loves to follow us when we go on ranger rides on our property! Covering a few miles is no problem for this guy! He is also very well tempered. Goes with the flow and is by far the easiest going of all our dogs! He also is insanely smart. When we try to lock him outside the house, he always finds a way in, weather it be by finding an unlocked door and opening it or sneaking through the doggy door! He is a ball of fun and we are looking forward to all he brings to Ferguson Family Danes!



Colt is a Blue Brindlepoint and a huge stud muffin… literally, he is huge! Very well put together and just down right regal! As out biggest Dane he is thick and bulky Iike a European Dane but without the droop. He carries chocolate and harlequin so will produce a wide variety of colorful puppies! He is also our biggest baby too! He loves to cuddle and just wants to be pet and loved on! Ever heard of the “Dane lean?” He is the master of it! Things wouldn’t be the same around here without this love bug!!

Ready to move forward?